Tuesday, November 6, 2007


source:country home.com

Feeling blue? Wear orange. Is it true? it's true. You can change your mood simply by looking at a color. Each color evokes a different emotion.
  1. YELLOW suggests joy, gaiety , and merriment. It is the color of intellect and reason.
  2. ORANGE is the color of the sun and creative energy. It lifts spirits and energizes.
  3. RED signifies passion, strength, and courage. It gives a sense of confidence and sensuality.
  4. VIOLET is associated with decadence and luxury. It makes us feel mysterious and sensual.
  5. BLUE is the color of truth, devotion, calmness, and sincerity. It promotes meditation and independence.
  6. GREEN signifies nature, healing and gives a feeling of renewal and rejuvenation.

1 comment:

ira i said...

Bagus2 artikelnya...salam kenal ya Mbak...